Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Leadership Promises - Take Care of Those Closest to You

"Just before the Passover Feast, Jesus knew that the time had come to leave this world to go to the Father. Having loved his dear companions, he continued to love them right to the end." John 13:1 (The Message)
Leadership Promises - Take Care of Those Closest to You
Leadership Promises - Take Care of Those Closest to You.
If you lead your team, you are responsible for making sure the revolving door (through which current employees leave the organization and new employees enter) swings in such a way that better players are joining the team than are leaving. One of the ways you can facilitate that is to place high value on the good people you already have on the team.

Every team has three groups of players. There are the starters, who directly add value to the organization or who directly influence its course, and the bench players, who add value to the organization indirectly or who support the starters who do. The third group is a core group within the starters that I call the inner circle members. These are people without whom the team would fall apart.

Your job is to make sure each group is continually developed so that bench players are able to step up to become starters, and starters are able to step up to become inner circle members.
If your treatment of key people doesn't match their value, you run the risk of losing them.
Excerpt from The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
Good day!

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