Friday, July 25, 2014

Leadership Promises - Picking Your Team

"Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business." Acts 6:3
Leadership Promises - Picking Your Team.
Red Auerbach, long-time president of the Boston Celtics, said, "How you select people is more important than how you manage them once they're on the job. If you start with the right people, you won't have problems later on." You have to begin with the right raw materials in order to create a winning team.

I want the people close to me to;
  1. Know my heart: This takes time for both of us and a desire on their part.
  2. Be loyal to me: They are an extension of me and my work.
  3. Be trustworthy: They must not abuse authority, power, or confidences.
  4. Be discerning: They make decisions for me.
  5. Have a servant's heart: They carry a heavy load because of my high demands.
  6. Be a good thinker: Our two heads are better than my one.
  7. Be able to follow through: They take authority and carry out the vision.
  8. Have a great heart for God: My heart for God is my driving force in life.
Excerpt from Developing the Leaders Around You.
Good day!

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