Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Boko Haram Attacks Three Villages, Scores Feared Dead

Boko Haram insurgents returned on Tuesday to the Gwoza Local Government Area of Borno State and nearly razed three villages.
Boko Haram attacks three villages, scores feared dead
Boko Haram.
The insurgents were also said to have killed scores of people   in Amuda and Ngoshe as well as Attagara,where they shot nine worshipers to death in EYN Church on Sunday. Thirty seven of the attackers were however killed by Attagara villagers who mobilized and confronted them.

A source in Maiduguri told our correspondent that the insurgents came back in full force to attack Attagara on Tuesday because of the loss they suffered on Sunday.

The source said, “The fury was just too much as they(attackers) virtually levelled every structure in the already desolate village.”

“Many of our people had already fled   knowing that after the killing   on Sunday, they (insurgents) would pay another visit.”

“The fear came to pass as the insurgents stormed Attagara this(Tuesday) morning but   met nobody and in a fury, they set all standing structures in the village on fire.”

He added that the insurgents moved from Attagara to neighboring Amuda and set almost all the buildings there on fire before they went to Ngoshe.

According to the source, an   Air Force jet arrived Ngoshe and started dropping bombs several hours after the attackers had almost sacked the entire village.

Security authorities in the area could not be reached for comments due to poor telecoms services.
Culled from The Punch

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