Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Leadership Promises - Exam Time

"And Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the Angel of the Lord called to him from heaven." Genesis 22:10-11
Leadership Promises - Exam Time
Leadership Promises - Exam Time.
Did you know that God provides tests as measures of progress and proving grounds for every person He calls to lead? Genesis 22 begins with a divine test. God calls Abraham to climb Mount Moriah and sacrifice his beloved son. If Abraham would resolve to give up Isaac, God knew he would be willing to do anything asked of him--and would be a perfect candidate to become the father of the Hebrew people.

Leadership tests differ from one another, but all have a few things in common:
  • Leaders get tested at each stage of growth.
  • The leader's goal is to pass the test.
  • Testing always precedes promotion.
  • Self-promotion can never replace divine promotion.
  • Promotion requires sacrifice.
While Abraham's trial foreshadowed what God intended to do with His only begotten Son thousands of years later, it also provided Abraham with a leadership test.

When is the last time God tested you? If you aren't being tested, then you're not really moving forward!
Excerpt from The Maxwell Leadership Bible
Good day!

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