Monday, May 26, 2014

Leadership Promises - Value Values

". . . fear the Lord your God, to keep all His statutes and His commandments."Deuteronomy 6:2

Even if some members of a team don't share common experiences or have a personal relationship with each other, they can still possess a cohesiveness that defies the size of the team. What it takes is a common vision and shared values. If everyone embraces the same values, team members can still have a connection to each other and to the larger team.
Leadership Promises - Value Values
Leadership Promises - Value Values.
If you've never really thought about how your team's values impact its identity and increase its potential, go through the following process with your team:
  1. Articulate the values.
  2. Compare values with practices.
  3. Teach the values.
  4. Practice the values.
  5. Institutionalize the values into the fabric of the team.
  6. Publicly praise the values.
If you are the leader of your team, and you don't work to help the team embrace the values you know to be important, team members will create an identity of their choosing.
Excerpt from The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
Good day!

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