Thursday, September 15, 2016

Impressive! Meet Diego the sex-crazed tortoise who saved his species

This is Diego, a Galapagos giant tortoise who pretty much saved his entire species from extinction with his insatiable lust for booty.
Impressive! Meet Diego the sex-crazed tortoise who saved his species 1
Diego, a tortoise of the endangered Chelonoidis hoodensis subspecies from EspaƱola Island, is seen in a breeding centre at Galapagos National Park, Ecuador on September 10, 2016.
He's over 100 years old, but his sex life is the stuff of legend. Diego the Tortoise is quite the ladies' man, and his exploits have helped save his species from extinction. has fathered an estimated 800 offspring.
Galapagos giant tortoises.

The sex-crazed tortoise is a Chelonoidis hoodensis, a species found only on Espanola in the Galapagos Islands. There were only two males and a dozen females of the species left on the island about 50 years ago. But largely through Diego’s efforts at a nearby breeding centre, along with six females in his enclosure, the tortoises have bounced back, numbering in the thousands.
“He’s a very sexually active male reproducer,” Washington Tapia, a tortoise specialist at Galapagos National Park, told AFP. “He’s contributed enormously to repopulating the island.”
Genetic testing shows that Diego has fathered about 40% of the tortoises released on Espanola. The whole species pretty much owes its survival to this sex god.
Impressive! Meet Diego the sex-crazed tortoise who saved his species 2
Diego, a Galapagos giant tortoise, has fathered an estimated 800 offspring, almost single-handedly rebuilding the species' population on their native island, Espanola.

Diego is definitely DTF.

Photo Credit: AFP and GettyImages

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