Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Man's Penis Destroyed By Girlfriend

A 25-year-old man's penis was destroyed after his 17-year-old girlfriend doused his genitals in battery acid.

Humphrey Khoza was attacked at a tavern near Hazyview, Mpumalanga, South Africa in January.
The girl, who cannot be named as she is a minor, approached Khoza in a rage after a video of the couple having sex went viral.

The girl did not know that Khoza had filmed them having sex.

"Everything happened in a blink of an eye because I saw her when she was coming with a bottle but I didn't realise that she was carrying acid. She just angrily called me a dog," Khoza told African Eye News Service (AENS).

"She asked how in the world I could have done such an evil thing to her. It was only then that I realized that she was talking about the video that I took while we were having sex," he said.

Khoza acknowledged that while the sex was consensual, the girl did not know she was being filmed.

"I did not intend to show anyone the video and I still don't know how it got onto social media," he said.

Khoza has lost the use of his penis and now needs to urinate through a tube.

He is set to undergo surgery.

However he said he will not be pressing charges against the girl.

"Even if I press charges it is useless because it won’t bring back my manhood. Her being in jail will just ruin her future because she is still young and I do not have the energy to attend courts," he said.
Culled from MSN News www.msn.com/en-za/news

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