Monday, February 16, 2015

Leadership Promises - Work Of Real Value

"So I will consecrate the tabernacle of meeting and the altar. I will also consecrate both Aaron and his sons to minister to Me as priests. I will dwell among the children of Israel and will be their God . . . And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of meeting, and came out and blessed the people." Exodus 29:44-45, Leviticus 9:23
Leadership Promises - Work Of Real Value
Leadership Promises - Work Of Real Value.
Too many people simply fall into a comfortable niche in life and stay there rather than pursue goals of significance. Leaders can't afford to do that. Leaders must ask themselves whether they want survival, success, or significance.

The best leaders desire significance and expend their time and energy in pursuit of their dreams. Moishe Rosen teaches a mental exercise that's an effective tool in helping a person identify his dream. He asks a person to fill in the blanks: If I had ______________________ , I would ______________________.

The idea is that if you had anything you wanted-unlimited time, unlimited money, unlimited information, unlimited staff (all the resources you could ask for), what would you do? Your answer to that question is your dream. Acting on your dream adds significance to your life.
Developing the Leaders Around You. Good day!

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