Friday, August 15, 2014

Leadership Promises - Playing Favorites

"Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus, 'But Lord, what about this man?' Jesus said to him, 'If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me'." John 21:21-22
Leadership Promises - Playing Favorites
Leadership Promises - Playing Favorites.
One of the biggest mistakes a coach can make is to believe that he must treat all of his players the same. Coaches are hired to win - not to make everyone happy or give everyone equal time, money, or resources. Every player must be given support and encouragement. But to believe that everyone must receive the same treatment is not only unrealistic, but destructive. Poor or mediocre performance should not be rewarded the same as the outstanding contributions.

Great coaches give opportunities, resources, and playing time according to players' past performance. The greater the performer, the greater the opportunity. When you have a player like Michael Jordan, you want to put the ball in his hands as often as possible.

There will be times that you aren't sure about a player's performance level because you haven't had time to observe him, especially with a "rookie" player. Give that player frequent but small opportunities to determine his caliber of play, and that will show you how to respond.
Excerpt from Developing the Leaders Around You.
Good day!

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