Monday, June 30, 2014

Leadership Promises - A Leader of Discernment

"So David said to Nathan, 'I have sinned against the Lord.'"  2 Samuel 12:13. Like Samuel before him, the prophet Nathan served as a leader to leaders. God used Nathan to correct his erring leader. Nathan could act as he did because of his keen, God-given discernment.
Leadership Promises - A Leader of Discernment.
Discernment goes deeper than knowledge, resembling intuition. At times, discernment is a gift; at other times, it results from much experience. Discernment brings a profound perception of what is occurring, either on the outside or the inside of a person.

To improve your discernment as a leader:
1. Learn to hear God's voice - Get quiet and read Scripture. Reflect on the mind of God.
2. Build problem-solving skills - If you can see root issues of problems, you can solve those difficulties.
3. Analyze your successes - What worked? Can you identify the heart of the matter?
4. Evaluate your options - Discernment involves both your gut and your head.
5. Expand your opportunities - Get more experience to help you deepen your wisdom.
6. Explore what others think - Choose leaders you admire and study how they think.
7. Listen to your gut - Most people are afraid to listen to their God-given intuition.
Excerpt from The Maxwell Leadership Bible  
Good day!

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