Friday, November 28, 2014

Leadership Promises - Offer Vulnerable Obedience

"Let me be weighed on honest scales, that God may know my integrity."? Job 31:6
Leadership Promises - Offer Vulnerable Obedience
Leadership Promises - Offer Vulnerable Obedience.
One of the beautiful facets of the Book of Job is that it displays how a man can be very human, and yet very heavenly at the same time. Job feels all the emotions of a man who has endured great loss. He becomes angry, depressed, and anxious, and he declares his feelings openly. At the same time, he never drifts from his strong character; he remains consistent through everything.

The moment it appears he will curse God and give up on Him, he affirms his promise to be faithful even when he doesn't understand what is happening. Job pledges to maintain his integrity despite his circumstances. Such a commitment is a crucial key to leadership. Here's why:
  • Leaders must be visionary, yet they cannot see everything in the future.
  • Instead of pretending to be in control, leaders must model being under control.
  • Leaders must model humanity and identify with the limitations of followers.
  • Leaders must model an anchored life, acting from character, not emotions.
  • While leaders don't know what tomorrow holds, they do know Who holds tomorrow.
Excerpt from The Maxwell Leadership Bible. Good day!

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